90 Day Fiance

90 Day Fiance: Yara Zaya’s Crash Course with Lousy Luck

Yara Zaya from 90 Day Fiance deals with car troubles. She has a day full of bad luck. From avoiding a car accident to injuring her hand, she doesn’t know what will happen next to her.

90 Day Fiance: Yara Zaya’s Close Call with Car Accident

Yara Zaya has recently been spending a lot of time in Miami, Florida. She and Jovi Dufren have mentioned wanting to move there. But they haven’t shared whether they did make the move. Yet, it seems like their good times in the city have come to an end.

The 90 Day Fiance reality star recently had a day full of bad luck. She feels that she had the “strangest day ever.” First, she almost got into a car accident. She explains that a man nearly crashed into her while she was waiting at a traffic light. However, her car troubles didn’t stop there.

90 Day Fiance: Yara Zaya
Yara Zaya | Instagram

Yara then got a boot put on her car wheel. A boot is usually put on someone’s car wheel when they don’t pay for parking or are in a no-parking zone. However, she reveals that she did pay for parking. But she explains that they wouldn’t remove the boot since she didn’t have cash.

Yara Deals with Five Hand Injuries

Yara didn’t just have car troubles during her bad day. She also reveals that she cut her hand with a knife five times. She didn’t say how. But she wasn’t happy about it and couldn’t believe it happened to her that many times. She doesn’t know what is happening to her. However, she hopes she is not the only one who has had such a weird day.

But the 90 Day Fiance cast member didn’t let her lousy luck ruin her day with her daughter Mylah. Yara took her daughter out for a smoothie. She loves seeing her little girl live her best life. And it seems like Mylah loved the smoothie. The TLC celeb hopes her daughter liked it since it cost her $30.

90 Day Fiance: Yara Zaya
90 Day Fiance | Instagram

90 Day Fiance Celeb Avoids More Bad Luck

Yara Zaya wasn’t going to have two bad days in a row. So, the following day, she decided to stay home. She explains that she has a lot of work to do and she doesn’t want to go anywhere. She blames Mercury retrograde for all the weird things happening to her.

The 90 Day Fiance castmate doesn’t know what will happen to her next if she leaves her house. So, to avoid any more bad luck, she will stay indoors. She will start her day with a cup of coffee. She doesn’t want any more car troubles or injuries.

While Yara has her coffee, she makes a bowl of fruit and hard-boiled eggs for her daughter. She doesn’t know how Mylah can eat the same thing every morning. But as long as her little girl is happy, she is happy. But will she be able to avoid more bad luck by staying indoors?

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/

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