Bold and the Beautiful

Bold and the Beautiful: Hope’s Mad Dash to Thomas Turns into Crawl?

 Bold and the Beautiful has yet to put Hope Logan on a plane headed for Thomas Forrester with a desperate plea to come home to her on the CBS soap. After their steamy love affair made B&B even more of a favorite afternoon destination, fans assumed she’d stop at nothing to bring her man back home.

Devastation set in for Hope when Thomas became overwhelmed with pain when she rejected his proposal. Then he was gone in the blink of an eye. But what’s up with this?

Hope sashays around today like a woman content with her life. Plus, she hasn’t mentioned Thomas except for a fleeting blurb. Why isn’t she flying the friendly skies to her destiny?

Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: All About Hope Logan Breaking Bad?

With Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) gone and Hope Logan (Annika Noelle) acting as if nothing ever happened, you have to wonder what this was all about. By now, she should have made that mad dash across the ocean to tell him she couldn’t live without him.

Bold and the Beautiful has Douglas Forrester (Henry Joseph Samiri) also away with his father. But there’s no sign of a weeping mother coming from Hope Logan.

Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) - Hope Logan (Annika Noelle)

So, Thomas left and fans learned that Hope Logan was in this relationship because it made her feel good. She also liked the feeling of being the only woman for a man. But this gave Bold and Beautiful fans a glimpse of a selfish side of Hope, which is out of her character. Or at least, it once was.

B&B Spoilers: Validating Thomas Forrester as a Changed Man?

Hope didn’t seem to consider Thomas’ wants and needs. So, when he asked for her hand in marriage, it wasn’t what she wanted at this time.

So, a devastating parting of the ways took place. But for Hope Logan, that devastation was short-lived. So did the soap create this plot to give Hope a bit of a selfish edge not seen before? Maybe it’s part of B&B‘s journey to turn the Logan daughter into her mother, Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang).

On the other hand, this steamy plot offered the Bold and the Beautiful fans a good look at Thomas Forrester. He loves Hope and wants a life with her. While Thomas enjoyed what they had together, he knew he was selling himself short if he continued that way.

So, was this Bold and the Beautiful‘s way of demonstrating just how much of a change Thomas Forrester accomplished? He walked away and gave Hope what she wanted.

So, without further ado, Thomas bowed out. Whereas the old Thomas Forrester would likely continue to take what she was willing to give. Or become a spiteful stalker.

Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Hope & Thomas Become a Head-Scratcher Today

For many B&B viewers, what seemed like one of the best love stories in a very long time just folded up and hurried away. Hope Logan looked like she would crumble. Then Bold and the Beautiful had the pain Thomas suffered clear to see.

Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) - Hope Logan (Annika Noelle)

The last thing the Bold and Beautiful fans expected was the Logan daughter flitting around Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton) again. Although, she was honest by telling him that she loves Thomas Forrester, her actions lately don’t back that up.

It’s like Thomas Forrester fell off the face of the Earth. So, Bold and the Beautiful fans today ask what the train of thought was behind all those risqué scenes. Does B&B have a hidden agenda for giving the fans this great storyline only to roll it back in?

Viewers loved every minute of the love affair that played out with these two. But despite Thomas Forrester and Hope Logan looking like a perfect match, the CBS soap swept it under the rug without any hints of a fix.

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