General Hospital

Gregory’s Death Leads to Finn Taking a Drink — and Dante Refuses to Help Sonny

Gregory’s Death Leads to Finn Taking a Drink — and Dante Refuses to Help Sonny

Tuesday, May 21, 2024: Today on General Hospital, Kristina turns to Michael for help, Brook Lynn and Chase prepare to take off for Italy, and Alexis has the jitters before her court appearance.

Finn drinks GH

Credit: ABC screenshot


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Brook Lynn and Chase are at the airport, and Brook Lynn is practicing her Italian.  Chase begins to panic and looks through his bag, but he can’t find his passport. He finally finds it, and there is also a box and a note in his bag.

Brook Lynn Chase GH


Chase sees it’s from Gregory. In the note, Gregory thanks them for including him in their wedding and life together, and this gift is a small token of gratitude. Chase opens it, and it’s a compass to guide them back together should they get lost, according to Gregory’s note. It is inscribed, “With love, Dad.”

BLQ Chase Gift GH

More: Gregory’s tear-jerking send-off

At Finn’s, Violet is dancing with her bouquet before school. Finn says they need to get a move on it. Violet asks if she can bring her bouquet to school, but he says it might get ruined. Violet says she’ll leave it here and asks him to protect it. As they leave, the camera pans to a bottle of liquor on the shelf, a gift from Gloria and Carmine.

Violet Finn flowers GH

Finn returns home and calls out to his dad that he got bagels. Gregory doesn’t respond. Finn goes in to check on him, pauses at the door, and calls to him again. He knocks on the door and says he’s going to come in. He enters and sees his dad lying still. He goes to his bedside and touches his shoulder. He feels for a pulse and begins to cry. He tells him that he loves him and kisses him on the forehead.  He lays his head on his chest and sobs.

Finn Gregory dead GH

Finn exits the room and calls for someone to come as his father passed away in his sleep. He then looks over and sees Gloria and Carmine’s bottle. He goes over, opens it, and pours a drink. He stares at the glass, lifts it, and downs a shot.

More: Gregory Harrison exits General Hospital

Finn explains what happened to an officer. A gurney is brought in, and the coroner heads into Gregory’s room. Finn waits as they photograph Gregory, and the coroner determines he died between midnight and 2 AM. She tells Finn it was likely heart failure, it was quick, and he didn’t suffer. She says she’s sorry for is loss. Gregory is brought out on a gurney, and Finn says one last goodbye as he strokes his dad’s hair. They then cover him up take him away.

Finn's goodbye GH

Finn heads into Gregory’s room and looks at his bed. He takes another drink. He pulls out his phone and brings up Chase’s contact info. Finn calls Chase just as he’s about to board the flight. Finn doesn’t know how to tell him this, but their father is gone. He tells him that Dad went to sleep and didn’t wake up, and he found him this morning. Finn says he died peacefully in his sleep from heart failure. Chase asks if he’s with Dad now, but Finn says the body has been taken away. Finn says he’s so sorry.

Chase news GH abc Brook Lynn

Back at the airport, Brook Lynn comforts Chase, who breaks down on her shoulder.

At Finn’s, he finds his father’s cane and thinks about their last fight. Just then, Violet comes home from school.

Finn and Dad's cane GH

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In Blaze’s room at The Metro Court, Kristina says she didn’t sleep a wink as her brain wouldn’t turn off. She wishes she could talk to her mom, and she can’t talk to Molly about this as she’s the ADA. Her dad is usually her go-to when she has a problem, but he’s the last person he wants to talk to. She sees her dad finally stopped texting her. She doesn’t know what to do, as she can’t hide from this, and she wishes she knew how to solve this. Blaze says this isn’t her problem to fix. Kristina thinks no one else will stop him from imploding. Blaze asks if there really is no one else. Kristina says there is one.

Blaze and Kristina talk GH

Michael arrives, and Blaze offers to give them privacy, but Kristina asks her to stay. Kristina tells Michael what happened last night. She says it’s not what Dad said, but how he said it. She knows this isn’t a shock to Michael, and she’s the one who refused to believe this about Dad. Kristina struggles to reconcile with the man who attacked Dex and the one who is so gentle and loving to her.

Michael and Kristina talk GH

Michael explains Sonny is a product of the choices he made, and they don’t have the power to change him. She apologizes to her brother for judging him about his anger towards Dad and going after him. She doesn’t know how she was so blind. Michael says she loved him, and there is nothing wrong with that. Kristina says now she’s seen the truth, and they have to decide what to do. Michael tells her it’s not their job to clean up after Dad. Kristina knows, but Dad cleaned up after her so many times, as he also did for Michael and Morgan. She knows Dad deserves to be punished, but she doesn’t want him to be as she still loves him. She asks if Michael can fix this. He says he’ll try. He tells Blaze to take care of her and leaves.

Kristina asks Michael to help Sonny GH

Kristina takes a hot shower. She tells Blaze she feels better now, especially after talking to Michael. Blaze admits she’s surprised she called him. Kristina notes they used to be close, and she pulled away from him over their father. She is lucky to have him and is lucky to have Blaze. She asks how Blaze is processing this, and wouldn’t blame her if this is too much on top of everything else she has going on.

Kristina Blaze baggage GH

More: Our review of Brook Lynn and Chase’s wedding

In the park, Joss tells Dex that he’s lucky he didn’t lose an eye. Joss gets them some coffee after the night they had. He says she doesn’t need to stick around, as she already sat with him in the ER all night, opened Bobbie’s to make him pancakes, and is now getting coffee. Joss thinks he needs spoiling after what he went through. He could get used to this if she sticks around. Just then, Dex gets a call from Michael and tells him that he’s in Rice Park.

Beat up Dex GH

Michael arrives and says Kristina is devastated after what she witnessed. Joss feels horrible as she has been fighting with her about Sonny. Michael says that’s over as her eyes are open. Dex asks why Michael needed to see him. Michael wonders if he’s going to press charges.

Michael Joss Dex GH

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Sonny arrives at Dante and Sam’s. Dante is still in his sleeping attire. He tells his father that Sam and the kids are out, and he is tired from the after-party and lots of shots. Dante notices his father’s fists are bloodied, and he asks who he was punching. Sonny says it was Dex. Dante says Dex is a cop, but Sonny says he’s still in training. Dante doesn’t think Anna will see it that way. Sonny says he defending himself, but Dante doesn’t think Dex is stupid enough to attack Sonny.

Dante furious Sonny GH

Sonny rants that last night was supposed to be a happy night, and everywhere he looked, there was Dex. He says Dex acted like he owned the party, he was talking to the family. Sonny explains Dex grabbed his arm, so he punched him and defended himself. Sonny didn’t come here for a lecture as he needs Dante to deliver a message to Kristina. Dante asks why. Sonny admits Kristina saw the whole thing. Sonny says he tried to explain what happened to Kristina, but she was crying and seemed afraid of him. She’s not calling and texting, so Sonny asks Dante to go to Kristina and make her see the truth.

Sonny and Date GH

Dante says he’s a police officer, he can’t do that, and he wouldn’t if he could. Sonny asks why he won’t help him. Dante says he’s not just his son; he’s a cop, and if Dex reports this, then he has to offer this conversation as evidence. He’s furious that Sonny put him in this position. He says if he goes to Kristina, she will also be pulled in and interviewed about what she saw. Or would he rather she lies to the police to protect him? Sonny notes that if Dex presses charges, Diane can handle them. He needs him to be his son and to make Kristina see… Dante asks what? See that he’s a good guy, and he’s the victim here. Sonny says he just wants him to tell her he loves and needs her, and he was defending himself. Dante says he’ll talk to Kristina, and if she’s not doing okay, he’ll stay with her until she is. However, that’s all he’s going to do, and he’s done fixing his problems, and he can no longer defend him from the life he made for himself.

Dante won't help GH

In Albany, Diane arrives at Alexis’ hotel room. Alexis set her alarm wrong and still has to get ready. Diane says they will get her dressed, and she will make her case and be reinstated to the bar.

Alexis gets ready, and Diane asks if this pre-trial jitters something new she’s exploring or if it is because it has been so long since she litigated. Alexis says it’s easy for Diane to say that as she doesn’t get nervous and has veins of steel. Diane says not so, and that before every trial, she screams into a pillow, and Alexis should try it. Alexis doesn’t think it will help as it feels like it isn’t going her way at the moment. Diane asks if she is going to give up?

Diane questions Alexis GH

Alexis sees it as the least painful path. Diane reminds her she wanted to take on pro-bono classes. Is she giving up on those clients? Alexis says there are other lawyers. Diane asks if she really wants to go back to The Invader and battle Adrian DeWitt. Will that make her happy? Diane asks, or will she fight like hell for her bestie who spent hours working on this? Alexis says she knew she’d lay a guilt trip on her. Diane says she’s a brilliant litigator, and some may say she is her  equal, but not her, but others say it. She tells Alexis she’ll always wonder what if, if she doesn’t try.

Alexis has joitters GH

On the next General Hospital: Lois tells Ned she spoke to Monica  and she’s all for it. Violet cries to her dad that she didn’t get to say goodbye. Diane tells Alexis to take a deep breath because she doesn’t need luck. On the phone, Kristina asks someone, “How soon can you be here.” Dex tells Michael he’s never going to get a better chance to stop him than now. Sonny asks Dante what he’s accusing him of.

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