Little People

Little People, Big World: Zach & Tori Can’t Ignore Dwarf Comments

Zach Roloff and Tori Roloff from Little People, Big World can’t ignore the comments they hear children say in public about dwarfism. It’s not an easy discussion. But it is a topic they must address.

Little People, Big World: Zach & Tori Roloff Talk Parents’ Reaction to Dwarfism Question

Zach Roloff is no stranger to having people comment about his appearance in public. However, now that he is a father to three children who are also dwarfs, the comments keep coming. He and Tori Roloff speak about how they feel when they hear these comments about their children.

The Little People, Big World cast member explains that when people ask him why he and his kids are so short, he tells them that is how God made him. When children ask their parents this question about them, he wants the parent to tell their child that it is not how we speak about other people. He also wants them to tell their child that is how God made him.



Tori reveals that she and Zach have been in a situation where a child has asked their parent those curious questions. She explains that the parent will shun the kid and push them to the side. The parent’s answer usually comes out in an angry way to correct their child.

Tori Roloff understands that children are curious and “brutally honest,” and their questions may sound aggressive. But they might not have meant it that way.

Tori & Zach Roloff Don’t Find Questions Offensive

Zach doesn’t feel it is his job to educate a kid about dwarfism when they make these comments in public. And Tori agrees. However, she feels it is an opportunity for the parents to educate their children about different disabilities. She doesn’t think the parent should be embarrassed that their child asked why someone looks different.

Little People Big World: Zach Roloff
Zach Roloff | Youtube

The Little People, Big World couple doesn’t get offended when people mention that their children have dwarfism. Zach and Tori know that it is something they can’t ignore, so they don’t mind when kids bring it up to their parents.

Little People Big World: Tori Roloff
Tori Roloff | TLC

Little People, Big World Celeb Understands Kids Staring

Zach Roloff has been in situations where children are staring at him in public because of his appearance. He understands that they are curious and look at him because he is different. However, he feels parents should teach their kids that staring is rude. Yet, he doesn’t think parents should be negative towards children when they stare or ask questions.

However, the Little People, Big World cast member believes having a follow-up conversation with the child is essential. He says that parents should talk to their children about it once they are at home. He thinks that telling a child in the moment they may not be listening.

Conversations around dwarfism will always be important in Zach and Tori’s family. Their children will one day be in positions where children ask them questions or stare. And they want to be able to handle it as best they can.


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