Young and the Restless

Audra Delivers a Warning to Ashley — and Mamie Wants to Take Over Chancellor-Winters

Audra Delivers a Warning to Ashley — and Mamie Wants to Take Over Chancellor-Winters

Tuesday, February 27, 2024: Today on The Young and the Restless, Jack confronts Tucker, Audra warns Ashley, and Mamie plans to go to war.

Ashley Audra Y&R

Credit: Howard Wise/

At Crimson Lights, Phyllis hugs Amanda when she comes in. She can’t believe she’s here. Amanda needles that she can come visit her. Phyllis asks why she’s back in town. Amanda says, “Battle preparations.”

Amanda takes Phyllis to task for letting her believe she was dead before explaining that she’s in Genoa City on Jill’s behalf. Phyllis guesses it’s about Billy the troublemaker. Amanda has to shore things up. Phyllis muses, “Maybe Billy needs an all.” Amanda concedes that troublemakers usually do. Phyllis tells Amanda she’s sorry she lost her mom; she deserved more time with her. Amanda thanks her and says she has to go. They embrace as Phyllis teases, “Go whip Chancellor-Winters into shape.”
Amanda Phyllis Y&R

Nate greets Mamie at Society. She’s pleased that he could meet with her and wants to talk about Chancellor-Winters. Nate finds out that Esther told her there was a chill in the office. Is there something that needs her attention? Nate tells her about Billy’s proposal to add the Abbott name to the company. Devon and Lily nixed it for now. Mamie says it won’t be revisited if she has anything to say about it. Nate explains it’s not going away; Jill sent Amanda to town. Mamie grumbles about Jill’s minions. Nate is actually impressed with Chance. He tells Mamie about Chance’s impressive idea and Billy’s reaction to it. Mamie muses that it’s the same way Nate felt with Devon in the past. She suggests Nate keep Chance on his good side.

Chance enters Billy’s office, where his uncle warns him not to take his response to his pitch personally. Chance says, “Sure,” but then asks to hash some things out really quick. He knows he has a lot to learn there, but he felt a shift in the meeting and isn’t comfortable with it. Chance felt that Billy’s response to his idea was more about the tug-of-war with Devon. Billy appreciates his bluntness. He insists there is no power struggle. Chance doesn’t believe it. He loves working with him, but he won’t be used by him or Devon.
Chance Billy Y&R

Chance complains that Billy basically shelved his idea, which he admitted was good, because Devon supported it. Billy tells him that’s business and that he’s taking things too personally. Chance warns him not to be condescending; he knows what he saw, and Nate saw it too. Billy is sorry that Chance is upset, but if he has a critique it’s because he wants him to learn how the corporate world works. Chance can take criticism, what he doesn’t like is being weaponized in a power struggle. Billy insists he had no ulterior motives. Chance suggests Billy stop trying to protect him and give him a little more room.

In his suite, Tucker awakens to find Audra gone.

At the GCAC, Jack updates Kyle and Diane on Ashley’s change of heart regarding Tucker’s actions in Paris. He’s worried she’ll want to try again. Kyle scoffs that it’s past the point of no return, and Diane agrees. Jack says they sound like Billy. Kyle thinks Jack should listen to his brother. Jack warns there is no way in hell he’s going to let that man hurt Ashley again. Just then, Tucker comes down the stairs into the dining room. Diane warns her husband to let Ashley handle him. Jack can’t do that.

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Jack joins Tucker at the bar and tells him he’s a demon they can’t seem to exorcise. Tucker tells the bartender to bring two glasses of his finest Holy Water. Jack grunts, “Not funny.” They go over Ashley’s change of mind. Jack says he’s still dangerous and advises him to hop a jet out of town and never look back. Tucker wonders when he’ll let his sister live her life the way she chooses.

At the Abbott house, Audra confronts a sarcastic Ashley about going up to Tucker’s room the previous night. Ashley asks, “Are we done now?” Audra replies, “You’re done — with Tucker.’ Ashley laughs, “That’s not your call.” Audra rants about the game she’s playing and informs her it won’t work. If she wants a future with Tucker, it’s too late. “You need to back off. He’s with me now.” Ashley taunts that she’s not sure about that, is she? That’s why she’s there — she fears Tucker still has feelings for her. Audra grits, “You’ve hurt Tucker for the last time. If you try to seduce him as part of your sick plan, you’re going to have to deal with me.” Ashley scoffs, “Scary.”
Ashley Audra Y&R

Ashley sniffs about Audra’s dynamic with Tucker and tells her she clearly has daddy issues. Audra says it’s none of her business. Ashley’s fascinated with how she’s playing this… they both know this is a game for her. He’s heartbroken and vulnerable and Audra’s an opportunist ready to hold his hand and whatever else. Audra insists they have real plans — they’re going to Paris. Ashley squeals, “Really?!” She reminds Audra, “That’s where we had our honeymoon,” and suggests she avoid a certain café there. Audra brags about their plans for Glissade. Ashley dismissively tells her that she and Tucker were going to do the same thing. Audra won’t go back on her word to him as Ashley did. Ashley wonders if she’s all alone in the world; is that why she’s glommed onto McCall? Audra warns Ashley she doesn’t want to go to war with her. She may think she’s tough, “But trust me, it will end badly for you.”

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Ashley asks Audra if she’s threatening her. Audra says it’s a friendly warning: She has much more experience fighting dirty than her, and enjoys it much more than she should. Ashley muses, “You’re in love with Tucker.” Audra says she understands him. Ashley tells her, “Believing that is your first mistake.” Audra insists they are alike and want the same things; they believe in the same things. Ashley laughs, “Tucker only believes in Tucker.” Audra says this is how she knows Ashley doesn’t get him at all. Ashley smirks that poor, stupid Audra really has it bad. “That makes the situation even more interesting. Audra wants her to admit she wants Tucker back. Ashley spits, “I don’t have to admit anything to you, Bitch.” Audra informs her that she’s already lost. Ashley opens the door and ushers Audra out, slamming the door behind her.
Ashley Audra Y&R

At the GCAC bar, Jack informs Tucker that his sister is done with him for good. McCall doesn’t think he sees what’s going on. Everything that’s transpired all comes down to Jack’s obsessive need to keep an iron grip on his family. It almost made Kyle betray him, has pushed Billy to Chancellor, and nearly broke Ashley’s spirit. Jack disputes this and blames Tucker for insisting that Ashley turn her back on the family she loves. Tucker laughs that he’s pathetic. Jack notes that he’s having dinner with his wife and son, while Tucker’s alone and his son has barred him. “Whose pathetic here?”

Tucker tells Jack that he and the rest of the Abbotts really did a number on him by resurrecting the old scandal and influencing Ashley against him. “You brought me to my knees, man. Well done.” He thinks maybe he should thank him, since Ashley selling him Glissade is the key to his future. He plans to kick Jabot’s ass. Jack says his arrogance amazes him. Glissade is no threat to Jabot just because McCall thinks it’s true. “I’ll look forward to watching you fail. In the meantime, stay away from my sister.” Tucker asks, “What if she can’t stay away from me?” Jack warns Tucker not to make him take the gloves off and then steps away to take a call.

At their table, Diane complains to Kyle about Tucker still being a menace to all of them. Ashley is strong, but what if they’re wrong. “What if he manages to suck her back in? Then Jack will be pulled back in as well.” Kyle assures her they can pick up the slack if necessary and wonders if her real concern is his dad’s reconnection with Nikki. Diane concedes that she and Nikki will never be friends, but she understands him stepping in. She just worries about Jack’s own battle with addiction. Kyle has every faith in his dad. Diane says she does too. She asks to go over the agenda about the marketing meeting, and Kyle frowns, “Sure.” Diane revisits him finding it hard not to resent her having the position he wanted. “How can we fix it?” Just then, Jack reappears.

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Jack asks, “What did I miss?” Kyle says it sounds like he read Tucker the riot act. Jack confirms he told him to keep his poison away from Ashley and their family. Kyle and Diane can’t understand him antagonizing him. Jack hopes it makes him cross the line — then they’ll have something to crucify him with.

At Society, Mamie tells Nate that Jill has declared war and there’s no backing down now. Nate thinks she brought the war when she secretly invested in the company. Mamie’s investment is in her family. They have to come together to protect the Winters’ legacy. Nate’s not interested in being involved in this struggle. He asks her to give up this battle with Jill since no good can come of this. Mamie never backs down from doing what’s best for her family. “Jill has had a stranglehold on Chancellor-Winters for far too long. It’s time we take full control of our company, and I’m here to make sure that’s what happens.”
Nate Mamie Y&R

At Chancellor-Winters, Amanda interrupts Chance and Billy’s tense conversation. They tell her they’re working out some issues and it’s all good. Chance exits and Amanda asks Billy what was really going on. She warns that Chance is Jill’s grandson. If he has a problem with him, he needs to solve it now. He’s on their side. Billy tells Amanda that Chance has things to learn and accuses her of not trusting him.

In the corridor, Abby arrives and runs into Chance, who says he’s trying to learn how to manage working with Billy Abbott.
Chance Abby Y&R

In the Abbott mansion, Ashley paces and then sits on the sofa. She thinks, “There must be another way. There has to be. Are you sure this is the best way to handle things?” She then says out loud, “Yes.”

Audra enters her suite and pours a drink. Tucker knocks on the door until she opens it. He asks if she’s celebrating and tells her they leave for Paris in three days. Audra says she’ll drink to that. They toast. Tucker asks where she went earlier. Audra had some errands to run. Tucker asks, “Was one of those errands confronting Ashley?” Her expression says yes. He can’t wait to hear all about it. Audra asks how he knew. He knows her, but he doesn’t know why she would do that. Did he not make himself clear how he feels about her? “You’re the only one for me.” Audra insists she’s not feeling insecure, “Not anymore.” He asks what she did, “Should I be worried?” Audra says Ashley’s still standing, but it felt good to let her know where things stand. If she thinks she can try to come between them, she’s going to have a situation on her hands. Tucker suggests they let that be the end of it; there’s nothing to be gained by provoking her. Audra says it wasn’t a provocation, it was a warning.

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At Crimson Lights, Chance tells Abby he knows she followed him there. She’s just concerned. He alludes to the politics with Billy. Abby tells him she’s going to be a board member and if there are issues, she wants to know. She’s on his side. Chance insists he’s fine, but then admits that’s over-stating it a bit. When he agreed to have Billy as his mentor, he didn’t realize he came with all this baggage. Abby wants to help, but Chance deflects and asks what she’s doing about Society. Abby says she hired Tessa. Talk turns to Amanda being in town. Abby says she saw her and it was uncomfortable. Chance has to see Devon every day, and they make it work. “You two belong together.” Abby thanks him. She wants the best for him. Chance knows that and he’s happy to say that his life is moving in that direction.
Chance Abby Y&R

At Chancellor-Winters, Amanda tells Billy she has complete faith in him. She admits she may have a soft spot for Chance, given what they experienced together. Billy explains that Chance has a chip on his shoulder when he criticizes one of his ideas. Amanda recalls how Devon was with Nate in the beginning. Billy says Devon’s gone entirely the other direction now and he’s doing it to make him look like a dream killer. Amanda asks if he really believes that. Billy insists Chance isn’t in the middle of a power struggle. Amanda fears Billy is in denial.

Ashley is seated on the sofa smiling to herself when Jack and Diane come in. He asks how she’s doing. She says he doesn’t have to worry about her; she’s accepted what happened in Paris and is moving on. Jack thinks she seemed a little confused. Ashley tells him things are finally going his way. She’s excited about her future. Donning her coat, she says she has an idea she’s messing around with at her lab. After Ashley leaves, Diane thinks she sounds completely over Tucker. “She’s going to be OK.” Jack doesn’t look convinced.

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Tucker answers his phone to Ashley, who purrs, “Hi… can we meet for a drink?”
Tucker Audra Y&R

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Next on The Young and the Restless: Victor enlists Claire to set a trap for Jordan, Ashley has a troubling experience, and Victoria faces a rough decision

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